
Plug-in, Long-term Indoor Air Quality and Radon MonitorPlug-in, Long-term Indoor Air Quality and Radon Monitor

$ 249.00


Premature Deaths from Illness attributable to Indoor Air Pollution


Annual Lung Cancer Deaths in US  alone  due to high Indoor Radon Levels

Protect Your Health Now! Start Monitoring the Air You Breathe with lüft®

Measures Radon, Chemicals, Carbon Dioxide, Temperature, Pressure, and Humidity

  • Provides clear visual indicators of your Indoor Air Quality Status

  • Detects and notifies user when levels rise beyond set limits to take action

  • Compact, plug-in device that fits into any standard wall outlet

  • Easy to use mobile apps allow you to access your readings from anywhere, anytime

  • Connects to existing Wi-Fi router; no batteries and no wall mount needed

  • Dual function as nightlight with custom colors, timing, and brightness

  • Designed and manufactured in the USA

Don't let your home, where you spend 90% of your time, become your #1 health risk!


Use promo code: LUFTINTRO2021


Increase in Pediatric Asthma primarily  linked to Indoor Air Pollution 


Pneumonia Deaths in Children under 5 attributed to Indoor Air Pollution